Location: St. Louis, Missouri

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Disappointing start, personal best in the end.

Saturday, we had on our "schedule" our final long run before the half marathon next week - two laps around Forest Park for 11.3 miles. Unfortunately, we got started late so it was warm when we started and she wasn't feeling too good. She made it to 2 miles and felt sick, so turned around to head back. I decided I was either going to run the whole 11.3 at a medium pace or just run one lap fast. I chose one lap fast. So I had 3.65 miles to go in the loop. The first mile I ran in 8 minutes! This is the fastest mile I've run in quite some time - possibly even since high school. I was quite impressed so kept pushing. I jogged the next .65 and then ran a 8:30 mile. I ended up finishing the 3.65 miles left in 30 minutes! An all time great for me! That's 8:12 miles! Yipee!


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