Location: St. Louis, Missouri

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Mediocre 5.65

Well, I didn't run Friday or Saturday as we were in Wisconsin for Cody's cousin's wedding. A good time, but busy so no time to run - plus I needed a few rest days for my quads which I worked out hard last week. So today, after driving back 7 hours, we got home and I promptly ran out to get a quick 5.65 in before dark. It wasn't fabulous but not horrible either. I finished in 53:09 which is a bit slower then normal, most of which I attribute to being hung over, being crazy thirsy the first 2 miles (I try not to drink too much in the car so I don't have to stop every 2 miles), and driving 7 hours. So the first few miles weren't great at all, but then back to back Bad Religion and Violent Femmes came on my mp3 player and things improved - good fast running songs. Plus it started to get dark and that gets me moving. :)


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