Location: St. Louis, Missouri

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

All about running.

First post on the new blog. I figured I wouldn't bore my regular blog readers with details of my running and marathon training, but I wanted an opportunity to write my thoughts on my different runs and be able to look back and see how far I've come. So here goes. . .

Today, Marissa and I ran Forest Park - 5.65 miles - with her dog, Kasha. Since it's cooled off she isn't wheezing as much and seems to be doing much better (the dog, not Marissa). We ran it in at least five minutes faster then we normally do so we definitely are making progress. Marissa even made it up all the hills today which is a great accomplishment if you've ever seen the wicked hills in Forest Park. The 5.65 seems easier and easier every time we go around. I meant to do some weights for my quads to help balance all those fun muscle groups out but didn't get around to it - busy packing for the trip. I really have to start doing quad strength training - will try a lot harder on that next week. :)


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